A PR agency in Nottingham ranked in the UK Top 40

The real story behind our PR agency in Nottingham…

At our Nottingham PR agency, delivering results is what drives us every day. But what gets us up in the morning? Agency co-founders Georgina and Kelly set up The Tonic after working for more than 20 years apiece for leading UK and international agencies. Loving the work but feeling, well, a bit sad and disillusioned at some of the accepted practices in the world of agency PR.

We know PR can be a demanding lark, but is work hard/play harder and a win-at-all-costs mentality the right environment to get good work done? We thought not.

So, The Tonic was formed, initially as an Nottingham PR agency. Its aim was to work with brands and businesses looking for a PR partner that is transparent, committed and delivers. Crucially, we wanted to work with organisations that are making a positive difference to the world we live in.

That’s quite broad. So, we narrowed it down slightly, to:

Companies and brands that are making the world a better place, through ethical health and wellbeing solutions, responsible leisure and retail and sustainable transport and travel.

Ethical is key here. We treat our team, clients, suppliers and others with fairness and honesty, and we hope they return the favour.

Our PR agency in Nottingham is nestled in the Lace Market in the East Midlands. We also have a team in the North East, bang in the centre of Newcastle. From these locations we offer a national breadth and reach, to deliver UK-wide, award-winning campaigns for our clients.

To learn more about our work, check out our case studies or get in touch to chat.

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